
We have a team of well connected RE professionals with boot on the ground in both Cambodia and Vietnam. Whether you’re looking to invest in a condo, retail space, office building, school, homestay, small motel, mini- hotel, bar/restaurant etc… we got you covered. Our price point starting at a low of $70,000-$95,000 for a 1-2 bedroom ocean front/view condo OR up to $1,000,000 for an office building or mini-hotel with 20-30 rooms all over Cambodia and Vietnam. These are ALL OFF-MARKET properties only known within local insiders. If you prefer to test the market first, we could rent these properties on

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your behalf and be your property management at a 5% fee of monthly gross income. Also we can help recruit local resources to help run/operate your property at a very low monthly salary without any benefits. BTW: We have a few small homestays partial or fully furnished in Cambodia with 4-6+ rooms for a low price of between $500-$1,000+ in monthly rental.

ALL foreigners are allowed to rent and/or purchase commercial properties in both Cambodia and Vietnam. We’ll register a local Ptd Ltd on your behalf to acquire your properties. You’re welcome to visit us first hand before making a decision. We’ll take you to view all available properties for rental/sale at your taste and budget. In some instances, we’ll put you and your family in one of our homestays for a low of $25-$50/night rental plus free breakfast. Between properties showing, our tour guides will take your family on sightseeing local attractions and food excursions at no cost to you.

We’ll represent you as the buyer’s agent so NO commission fee on your side. Best way to test the market is to come and enjoy your vacation in SE Asia at a cost of next to nothing. You cover your airfare and we’ll take care of all logistics once you get here.